We are ending a year with good and bad memories.
I am not able to see 2014 as a good year personally, since there were more negative events than positive ones for me. No matter what you feel about bad events, you need to get lessons from what you experienced, and we can shape our life as per these lessons and that’s exactly what we should do if we want to live happier.
We are making decisions on the cornerstones of our lives among the years. As indicated by Steve Jobs in his famous speech (Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish) we can not connect the dots looking forward, we can only connect them looking backwards, and that’s the only way to see that everything happens for a reason and these events help us to become who we truly are. Even though I cannot accept it due to my control freak personality, we are not always making decisions, we are not making choices, we have to deal with what’s happening to us. Those events may become cornerstones of our lives as well and unlike the previous ones, we realize these events as cornerstones as we experience them.
Well, what we are doing when we encounter such things? We re-evaluate our priorities. We are deciding how we are going to act after this life changing event. Maybe we live with these new decisions for a period of time, however then we forget about our priorities and decisions as well in the hurry of our lives.
It is inevitable for me to prioritize health of my loved ones, since my family encountered with health problems in 2014. After thinking about it whole year, it is very clear for me right now, one should prioritize health of his/her own and loved ones foremost. Therefore, when I evaluate the events that annoys me previously with this perspective, I realize all these bad events do not matter at all. Because any event can affect you as per the importance you attach them. Hence, when you decrease the importance of a bad event on your side, you automatically decrease the level of negative effect that you will feel.
Of course this does not mean, you should live without any targets and ambition at all, and live a “bohemian” life. But what we achieve, after realizing most of the bad events do not matter really, is we can think more rationally, create more solutions, make wiser decisions and act accordingly to get rid of negative mood faster. I believe, this way of thinking makes us happier.
To sum up, you should think what is important for you in your life, what you value most. Do not say, I tought it before, I knew it. Think again, decide and write it to a paper where you can see whole year. It will help you to give healthier and more appropriate reactions to negative events that you will encounter during 2015. But you should not forget the saying below:
I hope 2015 will be more promising and pleased year for me and for our society.
Bir hayalini ve bir amacını daha gerçekleştirdin tebrikler ilk yazının günahı olmazmış
Ailemiz için çok da iyi haberler almayarak başladığımız bir yıl oldu 2014 senin de dediğin gibi, ama 2015’te umutlarımız var. Umarım herşey daha güzel olur. Yeni siteni de tebrik ederim. Hayal ettiğin noktaya getirebilmeni dilerim.
Sevgiler, abin ….
Serkancığım öncelikle seni tebrik ediyor ve tüm yazılarını merakla beklediğimi söylemek istiyorum. Maalesef önceliklerimizi her zaman doğru bir şekilde belirleyemiyoruz. Ama hepimiz için ilk önceliğimiz sağlığımız, ailemizin mutluluğu ve huzurlu olması adına olmalı. Umarım iyi başlangıçların ve önceliklerimiz adına doğru kararların olacağı bir yıl olur 2015. En kısa zamanda ailenin sağlıkla ilgili güzel gelişmelere kavuşması dileğimle…