New Logo Poll!
Dear All,
I want your opinions when I decide my site’s new logo. I would be glad if you can choose 3 logos that you like most out of 10 below, which I ordered (!) from one of the most famous creative agency of Turkey.
Poll will last for 1 week and then my new logo will be selected.
Thanks for your interest and participation 🙂
Yeni logo hangisi olmalı? (En fazla 3 tane seçebilirsiniz) --- Which one should be the new logo? (You can select max. 3 logos)
- Logo #1 (44%, 8 Votes)
- Logo #9 (44%, 8 Votes)
- Logo #7 (39%, 7 Votes)
- Logo #5 (33%, 6 Votes)
- Logo #2 (22%, 4 Votes)
- Logo #3 (22%, 4 Votes)
- Logo #6 (17%, 3 Votes)
- Logo #4 (17%, 3 Votes)
- Logo #10 (17%, 3 Votes)
- Logo #8 (11%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 18

6633 Toplam Okunma 1 Bugün Okunma
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